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Friday, October 31, 2008

Cast your vote to end war

Fed up with dirt and lies? Support AlterNet and keep it honest

Dear Reader,

The election is only 3 days away!

Where is the national conversation about peace? With the economic crisis and the media's attention on bulls and pitbulls and pigs and lipstick, Iraq has been pushed off into the shadows. It's up to us to pull it back into the spotlight!

We saw how Congress bowed to the demands of Wall Street, turning a deaf ear to the needs of the people. And while the nation was focused on the bailout, Congress quietly passed a $615 billion defense spending bill! We can't let this happen again, not when so much is at stake. Let's use these last few days of the election cycle to bring the issues of Iraq and peace back to the forefront. Let's get out into our communities and build the people power we will need to bring the troops home and prevent future military disaster in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran.

Join us in pledging to be a Voter for Peace -- not just with your vote, but beyond November 4th. We've made pledging for peace easy!

Click here to make the pledge

Together, we can build the team we will need to keep the pressure on through the next administration, no matter who ends up at the helm. As we saw last week, Congress caves all too easily to the call of Wall Street and the White House, pouring money into bailouts and defense that could have been put toward education and health care and renewable energy. Let's remind them that Peace needs to be at the top of their agenda.

Thanks for all you do,

Don Hazen
Don Hazen
Executive Editor,




How Morons Succeed in U.S. Politics | Naomi Klein: "Bush's Final Pillage" | How the Hell Palin Got Picked

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   Headlines Newsletter
October 31st, 2008
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The Triumph of Ignorance: How Morons Succeed in U.S. Politics  

The Triumph of Ignorance: How Morons Succeed in U.S. Politics
By George Monbiot,
Obama has a lot to offer, but until our education system is fixed or religious fundamentalism withers, anti-intellectuals will flaunt their ignorance. Read more »


Help AlterNet continue to expose the facts on Palin!

As the 2008 election comes down to the wire, AlterNet is operating at full throttle. We are covering it all, from the sleaze to the inspiration, from voter suppression to the shocking nomination of Sarah Palin. In fact, we've probably organized more information on this woman than anywhere else on the web. And in the past two months, over 3 million people have come to AlterNet to read about the pratfalls and far-right ideas of McCain's VP choice.

Now is the home stretch. But because of the global financial meltdown, our budget is quickly shrinking just as we need to be going all out. Will you help us finish the year with a bang?

We could really use your support.

Much Thanks,

Don Hazen, Executive Editor


Want to Shut Conservatives Out of Power for Good? Implement Universal Health Care  

Want to Shut Conservatives Out of Power for Good? Implement Universal Health Care

Giving Americans universal access to health care will undermine some of the deepest and most persistent myths of the conservative worldview. Read more »

How to Make Your Vote as Easy as Possible: An Online Guide  

How to Make Your Vote as Easy as Possible: An Online Guide

How to vote early, find your polling place, check your registration, know what ID to bring, report problems, call a lawyer and more. Read more »

White Supremacists Fantasize That Obama Will Help Them Recruit  

White Supremacists Fantasize That Obama Will Help Them Recruit

David Duke and white supremacists are grappling with arrests for an Obama murder plot, while hoping an Obama presidency will be good for them. Read more »

Naomi Klein: Bailout = Bush's Final Pillage  

Naomi Klein: Bailout = Bush's Final Pillage

The bailout has been designed to keep stealing from the Treasury for years to come. Read more »

McCain Is Robin Hood in Reverse  

McCain Is Robin Hood in Reverse

McCain wants to be the great "re-distributor": He takes money from poor people and sends it upwards. Read more »

Hip-Hop Generation's  

Hip-Hop Generation's "Independence" Is Very Obama-Like

The hip-hop generation was all about becoming more independent from the Democratic Party -- until Obama came along. Read more »

The Real Story Behind How McCain Chose Sarah Palin  

The Real Story Behind How McCain Chose Sarah Palin

Journalist Jane Mayer on how right-wing Washington insiders became "smitten" with Sarah Palin, and crowned her their VP. Read more »


"Be the Change" Aims to Get Out the Music Vote

Graham Nash and other big name music acts get out the vote with Election Day phone calls to their fans. Read more »

CA's Prop 5: Treatment for Drug Addicts Works and Jail Time Doesn't -- Here Are the Stories to Prove It  

CA's Prop 5: Treatment for Drug Addicts Works and Jail Time Doesn't -- Here Are the Stories to Prove It

Treatment graduates ask CA voters to give others the opportunity they had, to get treatment and turn their lives around. Read more »

  PEEK and Video: The hottest buzz and videos on the web  

How Electronic Voting Machines Could Steal Our Democracy  

How Electronic Voting Machines Could Steal Our Democracy

Don't think for a second that this couldn't happen. Read more » A One Stop Shop for All Your Voting Needs A One Stop Shop for All Your Voting Needs

Voting information. Don't leave home without it. Read more »

McCain Busses in 4,000 School Kids to Fill Crowd  

McCain Busses in 4,000 School Kids to Fill Crowd

This happened less than a week out from the election, when the heat of the campaign should be drawing record crowds. Read more »


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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rural America Breaks for Obama | Solar Gold Rush | How the Economy Affects Sex

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   Headlines Newsletter
October 30th, 2008
All stories, blogs, and video »

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Evangelicals and Rural Americans Are Breaking Big for Obama  

Evangelicals and Rural Americans Are Breaking Big for Obama
By Robert S. Eshelman,
A mass defection from the Republican Party may be underway in counties that were once GOP strongholds. Call it the reverse Bradley Effect. Read more »


Help AlterNet continue to expose the facts on Palin!

As the 2008 election comes down to the wire, AlterNet is operating at full throttle. We are covering it all, from the sleaze to the inspiration, from voter suppression to the shocking nomination of Sarah Palin. In fact, we've probably organized more information on this woman than anywhere else on the web. And in the past two months, over 3 million people have come to AlterNet to read about the pratfalls and far-right ideas of McCain's VP choice.

Now is the home stretch. But because of the global financial meltdown, our budget is quickly shrinking just as we need to be going all out. Will you help us finish the year with a bang?

We could really use your support.

Much Thanks,

Don Hazen, Executive Editor


The Dirty Secret Behind the Candidates'  

The Dirty Secret Behind the Candidates' "Clean Energy" Proposals

Many of the promises the candidates make on the stump would have trouble passing muster with the WTO -- that's the whole point of "free trade" deals. Read more »

A Solar Gold Rush Is Spreading from California to New Jersey  

A Solar Gold Rush Is Spreading from California to New Jersey

With new solar-powered movie theaters and factories, the solar industry is exploding. But how far can it take us toward a clean energy future? Read more »

How the Economy Is Affecting Your Sex Life  

How the Economy Is Affecting Your Sex Life

Softening up, going down, losing firmness -- it seems sex and the economy have more in common than language. Read more »

Patients v. Big Pharma: Supreme Court to Decide Landmark Case  

Patients v. Big Pharma: Supreme Court to Decide Landmark Case

Should patients have the right to sue drug companies for personal injuries from FDA-approved prescription drugs? Read more »

Why I Love Taxes -- And Most Americans Do, Too  

Why I Love Taxes -- And Most Americans Do, Too

Conservatives talk about "starving the beast" of government. But given that government feeds and nurtures us, we'd only be starving ourselves. Read more »

How Much Damage Has Eight Years of Conservative Rule Done to Americans' Psyches?  

How Much Damage Has Eight Years of Conservative Rule Done to Americans' Psyches?

The Bush administration used a politics of fear to diminish our ability to think critically and to erode our capacity to love. Read more »

  PEEK and Video: The hottest buzz and videos on the web  

Obama Mocks Socialist Attacks:  

Obama Mocks Socialist Attacks: "I Shared My Toys in Kindergarten"

"By the end of the week, he'll be accusing me of being a secret communist because ... I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich." Read more »

The Pornograph-izing of Sarah Palin   

The Pornograph-izing of Sarah Palin

Strip club look alike contests and the 'Nailin Palin' porno by Hustler are not in good fun. Read more »

More Pro-Voter Legal Decisions in Swing States  

More Pro-Voter Legal Decisions in Swing States

Pennsylvania ordered to provide emergency paper ballots while the Justice Department backs away from White House request to push for Ohio voter files. Read more »

Cruel California Ballot Initiative Seeks to Keep Elderly Prisoners Locked Up Longer  

Cruel California Ballot Initiative Seeks to Keep Elderly Prisoners Locked Up Longer

Prop. 9 asks taxpayers to pay to incarcerate those who cost the most to confine yet pose the least threat to public safety. Read more »


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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Does Personality Predict Politics? | Sell off Pentagon's 800+ Bases, Bailout the Public | The GOP's Worst Hate Monger

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   Headlines Newsletter
October 29th, 2008
All stories, blogs, and video »

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It's Time for a Trillion-Dollar Tag Sale at the Pentagon  

It's Time for a Trillion-Dollar Tag Sale at the Pentagon
By Nick Turse,
When we want to get serious about a long-term bailout strategy, we'll start dismantling the American empire and Pentagon programs. Read more »

Can You Guess a Person's Politics by Their Personality? Psychologist Team Says Yes  

Can You Guess a Person's Politics by Their Personality? Psychologist Team Says Yes

A map illustrating regional personality differences across America is surprisingly similar to the red state/blue state map of the nation. Read more »

Will the Economic Crash Take Down Our Hopes for Clean Energy?  

Will the Economic Crash Take Down Our Hopes for Clean Energy?

This happened before, in 1981. But this time the renewable energy industry is in better shape for a fight. Read more »

Michelle 'McCarthy' Bachmann -- The Hate Monger of Minnesota  

Michelle 'McCarthy' Bachmann -- The Hate Monger of Minnesota

How a Minnesota congresswoman became the poster child for the GOP's election 2008 crack-up. Read more »

Don't Look Now, There's a Huge Wave of Inflation Coming Toward Us  

Don't Look Now, There's a Huge Wave of Inflation Coming Toward Us

Paulson and Bernanke's "rescue" have only begun to do their full long-term damage. Read more »

The New York Times' Biggest Screw-up Since They Sold the War in Iraq  

The New York Times' Biggest Screw-up Since They Sold the War in Iraq

Deconstructing the NYT fairy tale of the poor innocent small democracy of Georgia attacked by a cruel Cold War Russian monster. Read more »

Labor's Comeback Will Get a Lot Easier with 60 Democratic Senators  

Labor's Comeback Will Get a Lot Easier with 60 Democratic Senators

Despite innovations in unionizing through the card check process, a bold initiative waiting in Congress is the big hope. Read more »

Where Have All the Water Fountains Gone?  

Where Have All the Water Fountains Gone?

New buildings are being constructed without water fountains and existing buildings are decommissioning older fountains. Read more »

Obama vs. McCain: Progressive Voter Guide to Reproductive Justice and Gender  

Obama vs. McCain: Progressive Voter Guide to Reproductive Justice and Gender

Find out how the candidates compare on the 10 most important reproductive justice and gender issues, from abortion to equal pay. Read more »

  PEEK and Video: The hottest buzz and videos on the web  

McCain on Whether He Wants to Raise the Minimum Wage: 'Of Course Not'  

McCain on Whether He Wants to Raise the Minimum Wage: 'Of Course Not'

At least he's consistent. Read more »

Pearl Jam Sets the Stage to Vote for Change  

Pearl Jam Sets the Stage to Vote for Change

A documentary of the band's 2004 tour with a message that still rings true. Read more »

CA's Prop 5: Rehab vs. Lockup -- Voters' Chance to Become a More Advanced Society  

CA's Prop 5: Rehab vs. Lockup -- Voters' Chance to Become a More Advanced Society

Instead of just locking people up for harmless offenses like drug possession, Prop 5 pushes for rehabilitation. Read more »


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