My Journey To Islam
This is my Revertion(convertion)
I was a conservative Christian --
even had a website ,
no longer exsists) so anyway -- one
late night, June of 2001 ,-I was up
late in a Christian chatroom on AOL.
And I met a guy in there, who I
knew , knew a lot about God. And we
started talking about God and things.
So then I asked him,"Are you a
Christian?" Thinking surely the
answer would be , "yes". but it wasn't
yes. It was "no". Then I asked him
was he ever a Christian, and he
said,"Yes, I was once a Christian". So
I was astonished, and I was like,
"well,Why aren't you a Christian any
longer?" And he told me exactly why
(and I forget his exact words)
But I know he said that the Creator,
isn't His creation,nor apart of His
creation. He doesn't PROCREATE, so
He has not ,sons,daughters,wives,ETC.
Therefore, He begets, nor was He
beggoten,-None are comparable to
Him. He alone is the Creator and
Sustainer of the worlds. There is only
one God. ETC. ETC.
So then I was like,"wow, okay "...then
I asked,"what religion are you now?"
And he said ,"I am a muslim." .. So
then I was like wow ,okay cool, you
know. And I said well you believe in
just one God, and that Jesus(as) was
only a prophet of God. And he
said,"yes". So then later own though
the week he Instant Messaged me
-- but even though what he had
said to me spoke truth to me, and he
seemed like a real nice & smart
I was always "busy", or "doing
something", didn't have enough
time" ETC. ,ETC. I felt I was Christian
and that I needed to grow more in
my faith as a Christian. And when I
was online
I would ignore him to talk to my
Christian friends online.. or to read a
Christian website ETC,ETC. Then one
night I guess, I was just plain bored.
So the guy Instant Messaged me. And
we started talking, and he asked
me ,"Have you ever read the Qur'an"?
And I was like,"what the heck is the
Qur'an?" Because
I heard of the Qur'an before , but I
always seen it spelled "Koran". So
then he told me to go to the "life-
koran" chatroom on AOL. And so I
did. And he told me to ask them what
the Qur'an was , and ask them any
other questions I might have. And so
I asked them what the Qur'an was.
And then I met a person in there
named Jamaal, and he Instant
Messaged me the next day , and over
the course of the summer, Jamaal
taught me about Islam when I was
And Islam started to make real sense
to me(acually it made since when i
met the fiirst muslim to me) So then
it was August ,and school had
started, and after school started I
didn't really chat too much about
islam, I didn't go into the chatroom
that much, I wasn't online as much
ETC. But I would talk to Jamaal when
I would see him online. And so then
here came September 11th. And
WHOA, another reason to learn more
about Islam. (by the way I suggest
the website,
and I say to you that killing
innocents, is AGAINST the very
essence of Islam) So I started to go
into the Islamic chats more. And then
one day in October me and Jamaal
had a pretty good conversation on
Islam. Then after that I wanted to be
a muslim so bad. And I asked him
he was like, well it isn't that
simple--you have to take shahadah.
And So he explained to me what
shahadah is. And basically,Shahadah-
is the profession of faith of a muslim,
that is when he/she says,"There is no
God ,but God- And Muhammad
(peace be upon him) is messenger of
God."And so then I started reading
more of the Qur'an online. Then one
day in early November Jamaal asked
me was I ready to take Shahadah,
and become a muslim. And I was
like,YES ,YES, I been ready . And so
on November 3rd, 2001, (it might
have been the 4th because I was up
until 4 that morning) Anyway I said
Shahadah.. ..."THERE IS NO GOD ,BUT
GOD" And I was a muslim at that
moment, and I felt so much at peace
-- like I had the pressence of angels
around me (which I'm sure I did).
And that is my story.~~~
~*May God guide us all to the
straight path, to the truth. Ameen.*~
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