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Friday, December 12, 2008

Will You Help the Pinch-Hitter?

Help Secure Alternet's future


Dear Reader,

Ok, I admit it: this isn't my regular gig. Today is Executive Editor Don Hazen's birthday, and the boss is usually the one who writes these letters.

But the other day he asked me, "Hey Joshua, you're a great writer -- how about you pinch hit and take a shot at writing to our readers so I can have the day off?" (At AlterNet everyone gets his or her birthday as a holiday, which we think is rather civilized.)

As AlterNet's Senior Writer and Editor, I've never personally reached out to you for help before. And I'm sorry to say we need it. Click here and make a contribution to help secure AlterNet's future.

Here's our story. Since the beginning of the presidential campaign, our lean, mean staff has worked its collective butt off to push back against the right-wing noise machine.

For months, we lived on bad coffee and a deep hunger for change. You should have seen the exhaustion on our faces on Election Day, even as the results came in, and we happily watched a true progressive mandate emerge.

But there is no rest for the weary. We've all helped to elect a new president. Obama's promise of change has inspired a generation, and rewritten the electoral map. And now we face the task of holding President Obama to all the commitments that he made to the American people as a candidate.

As the economic editor, there is certainly no let-up for me right now. The financial crisis has touched everyone -- millions have lost their homes, jobs, and retirement savings. Many of us (including the AlterNet staff) have had our sense of economic security clobbered.

That's why I'm writing to you today. In order to continue bringing you the hard-hitting independent news and analysis you've come to expect from AlterNet, we're going to need your support now, more than we have ever needed it before. Click here to help us out right now.

The financial crisis is putting a huge dent in our revenues. We're facing the prospect of severe cut-backs. I don't want my teammates -- who I see giving their all, day in and day out -- have their jobs in jeopardy (nor mine, for that matter.) So while I know things are tough for you too these days, if you're in a position to give AlterNet a few dollars so we can stay strong, we will truly appreciate it. And we'll keep giving you everything you need to be informed and ready for action.

Click here to help out now.

If you can offer us a little help each month, it'll be especially valuable in these uncertain times. Plus, I'd love to show Hazen that on behalf of those of us who get their hands dirty every day, I encouraged more people to sign up than he did! If you will commit to just $10 a month, I'll make sure we send you a copy of our newest book, "The Best Stories of AlterNet 2008" -- a compilation of our greatest coverage for the year. Click here to become a monthly sustainer.

As an AlterNet reader, you probably depend on the hundreds of smart, inspired progressive voices we bring you every month. This year our hard-working team published 4,200 stories, 3,750 blogs, and 1,050 videos. That is a lot of content. And you visited day after day, by the tens of thousands, to gobble it all up.

But, perhaps you haven't donated to AlterNet yet. If you've been sitting on the fence, now is the time to help. On behalf of our editorial team, I'm asking you: please consider kicking a few dollars to AlterNet now. We're here for you, night and day, 24/7.

My best,

Joshua Holland
Joshua Holland,
Senior Editor,


P.S. Don't forget -- if you make a commitment to AlterNet's future with a monthly gift of $10 or more, I will make sure you receive a copy of "The Best of AlterNet 2008." Click here to become an AlterNet monthly sustainer.




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