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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WORDS OF WISDOM from Gretel Ehrlich


In my version of things, the new year would begin not with drunken abandonment but with burning: great bonfires up and down the beach, into which people would toss the detritus of the old year-relics of habitual thought and spiritual materialism. Then there would be food cooking over flame: meats and cabbages, potatoes and corn, as we nourished ourselves with the new emptiness, and, finally drinking and dancing as high tide came in, until every bonfire had been drenched by a wave.

~ Gretel Ehrlich


Compliments of Debra Lynn Dadd
DLD Communications

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Home  Safe Home The new, revised, edition of Home Safe Home is now available in bookstores nationwide.

Home Safe Home tells what toxic chemicals are generally found in specific household products of all types, and safe solutions you can buy or make at home. It's different from other books on toxic chemicals because the focus really is what you can do to protect yourself and your family and create a healthy home. I bring over twenty years of research and personal real-life experience to this book.

* More information

* 10 Simple, Inexpensive Things You Can Do To Reduce Household Toxics

* How Toxic is Your Home? Quiz (excerpt from the book)

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