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Dear Reader, It was revealed late this week that employess of Verizon Wireless hacked the personal account of President-elect Obama. This is just another example of how the big phone companies. That's why we put our confidence in CREDO Mobile, the only mobile phone provider that donates a percentage of member fees to causes that you care about. AlterNet worked with CREDO to help register more than 150,000 voters in one of the most exciting elections in memory. Wouldn't it be great to support a company that's dedicated to progressive causes? Well, here is your chance. And when you switch to Credo , they'll even cover the termination fee from your old carrier and provide you with a free phone. Give CREDO a try today.  Don Hazen Executive Editor, AlterNet.org |
|  | Dear Reader, We woke up yesterday to the news that employees of Verizon Wireless hacked the personal account of President-elect Obama. 1 CREDO Mobile is the only mobile phone provider that is as devoted as you are to progressive causes. Remember when Verizon blocked NARAL Pro-Choice America from sending text messages to its customers, going so far as to call choice an "unsavory" subject? And did you know that AT&T's PAC donated the maximum to Bush/Cheney not once but twice? While AT&T and Verizon Wireless showed what side they were on, we were out there empowering voters like you - helping defeat anti-choice ballot initiatives in three states and registering 1.5 million new voters. For eight long years, we've been fighting against an administration that was openly hostile to the environment, equal rights and the values we hold dear. Finally, there's a progressive headed for the White House. But that doesn't mean our work is over. The other side is already gearing up to stop the Obama Administration from ushering in the change our country so loudly demanded. They will try to block universal healthcare, prolong the war in Iraq, and stop efforts to deal with climate change. The question is, will your mobile phone company help them? We're going to keep supporting your values in the upcoming battles over increasing access to healthcare, protecting the environment, and winning back our civil liberties - particularly in light of the tremendously upsetting passage of Prop 8 in California. That means mobilizing our network of activists and using our members' monthly fees to fund organizations like the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, the ACLU and Greenpeace ($60 million so far and counting). Click here to join today. Isn't it time to stop sending payments every month to a company that uses your money to undermine your ideals? Sign up with CREDO Mobile and we'll free you from your current contract by covering the cost of your carrier's early termination fee. You'll get a mobile phone company that works for your values, plus*: - Free Sanyo Katana® LX camera phone
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Our new president urgently needs our help to make even more history. Switching from a phone company that works against your values to one that supports change may not be the only thing you can do to help - it's just one of the easiest and most effective. Get started now - visit www.credomobile.com to learn more or call our friendly customer service team at 866.513.8670. Be sure to mention special offer code 500203. Sincerely, | Michael Kieschnick Co-founder and President CREDO Mobile | For a free phone, headset and contract buyout, call 866.513.8670 and mention special offer code: 500203 | |  |  |  |  | 1Verizon workers look at Obama's cell phone records, Associated Press, November 21, 2008. * All with a two-year CREDO Mobile service agreement. Offer subject to credit qualification. Early termination fee: CREDO Mobile will credit your account (up to $200) 30 days after receiving a copy of your prior carrier's termination fee charges; details to follow by mail. Offer only available to new CREDO Mobile customers. †Sprint is the network provider only; your service is handled exclusively by CREDO Mobile. Sprint is a trademark of Sprint Nextel. | | | |
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