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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Don't Bailout Doomed Lifestyle | Living on $5,000 a Year | Obama's Climate Plan

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   Environment Newsletter
November 25th, 2008
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Zombie Economics: Don't Bail out the System that Gave Us SUVs and Strip Malls  

Zombie Economics: Don't Bail out the System that Gave Us SUVs and Strip Malls
By James Howard Kunstler,
Why squander our remaining resources on a lifestyle that doesn't have a future? Read more »


We've got a ton of great content this week that tracks the progress being made by Obama's team on climate leadership and a few different takes on the economy -- from what the bailouts really mean to ways for living a different lifestyle on far less money.

And of course, there's a whole lot more.

Thanks for reading,

Tara Lohan, Senior Editor


Bailouts Dwarf Spending on Climate and Poverty Crises  

Bailouts Dwarf Spending on Climate and Poverty Crises

Neglecting aid to the developing world, and fixating on the financial mess, will negatively affect Western nations. Read more »

Living the Good Life on $5,000 a Year  

Living the Good Life on $5,000 a Year

Today's global financial cloud got you feeling gray? Vermonter Jim Merkel sees a silver lining. Read more »

Border Fence to Carve up Nature Reserve  

Border Fence to Carve up Nature Reserve

The Wall is being constructed over the objections of communities living near the border. Read more »

Obama Promises  

Obama Promises "New Chapter" in Climate Leadership

Obama made big promises to the international community, despite turning down an invite to attend the next meeting in Poland. Read more »

How the Rich Are Destroying the Earth  

How the Rich Are Destroying the Earth

We've got to think about our choices for the future collectively, seeking cooperation rather than competition. Read more »

Dingell Loses to Waxman, and Auto Stocks Dive -- Call It What It Is: Corruption  

Dingell Loses to Waxman, and Auto Stocks Dive -- Call It What It Is: Corruption

When the Big Three's best Rep. lost a key committee spot, their share prices dropped. That's not just business as usual, it's a sign of corruption. Read more »

Did Greenhouse Gases Cause the Earth's Greatest Mass Extinction?  

Did Greenhouse Gases Cause the Earth's Greatest Mass Extinction?

Scientists now suspect that the earth's greatest mass extinction wasn't caused by an asteroid strike or any other single cataclysmic event. Read more »

  PEEK and Video: The hottest buzz and videos on the web  

Wanted: A New Slogan for Coal  

Wanted: A New Slogan for Coal

Help take on the dirty coal industry's "clean coal" lies, by coming up with a new slogan for coal. Read more »

Bush Is Pushing Hard to Gut the Endangered Species Act  

Bush Is Pushing Hard to Gut the Endangered Species Act

Perino: The Endangered Species Act 'doesn't help support any species, including our own.' Read more »

Huge Win for the Environment: Waxman Defeats Dingell  

Huge Win for the Environment: Waxman Defeats Dingell

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) is the new chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Read more »


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